Ma Gestion(My Way) brings an inspiration, a protection, a fresh look, a new vision, a new beginning, a new openness, a new energy, in short, an ocean of possibilities for the individuals, the teams and the organisations.
Imagine - Decide - Inspire
Towards a more efficient, more inclusive, more human organisation.
We use powerful tools that, combined together, enable important personal and team achievements.
Focused on customer’s aspirations, needs and context
All our interventions take the following steps:
Step 1 : Description of actual situation
Step 2 : Description of desired situation
Take charge
Step 3 : Implementation and Follow-up of the activities needed to get to the desired situation
These are our 3 basic criteria to measure performance and work atmosphere. All life or project involves a beginning, a development and an end.
What did I do with my life? (FACTS)
Did I have some Fun doing it? (FUN)
Do I feel fulfilled with what I have done with my life? (FULFILLMENT)
Each day you can ask yourself these 3 questions concerning your professional, familial and work life.
Our goal is bring to organizations the competencies to improve:
The FACTS of your employees and teams.
The FUN with each of your employees at all levels.
The sense of FULFILLMENT within all..
Approved as a Training and Coaching Organization by: Emploi-Québec for the purposes of the application of the Skills Act
Approved as a Training and Coaching Organization by: Health Canada/Santé Canada
Distribution, Administration and Interpretation of HR tools We have the expertise and we are certified to administer and interpret recognized HR tools and psychometric tests:
Atmanco personality profiles (since 2013, we are a proud Partner and Distributor)
SDI - Portrait and inventory of personality forces (the colors of Elias H. Porter): a tool to manage conflicts and improve interpersonal relationships
The Myers-Briggs Psychological Types Indicator (M.B.T.I.)
Non-Violent Communication with Marshall Rosenberg
Transactional Analysis
Management for Continuous improvement and Team Facilitator Training - Tennessee Associates International (T.A.I.) University of Knoxville, Tennessee